Homa Therapy International

Month: December 2010

  • Mango Trees Give Fruit All Year Round

    Maria Cristina Correa and Rafael Valenzuela
    Cienaga, Magdalena
    Colombia, South America

    Our Homa garden on the Caribbean Sea

    “When we bought this house on the beach, there were cocoa plum bushes planted on the borders of the property. We began to recycle all fallen leaves and then we created a reafforestation system. We started planting trees and ornamental plants.

    We planted cassava, mangos, guava, papaya, plums, beans, sapodilla, lemons, avocados, grapes and many aromatic herbs such as mint, oregano and plenty of basil around the house and all this on the salty sand of the beach. We spray everything with the Agnihotra ash solution and of course, we practice daily sunrise and sunset Agnihotra.


  • Aura Lisenia Ibanez’ Healing

    Popayan, Colombia
    South America

    “I am 64 years old. My cousin heard the invitation to Homa Therapy on the radio. I told my cousin that she could take me anywhere but not to the hospital. She told me that Homa Therapy was in the SENA (National Learning Service) of Popayan. So I told her that I will come because the pain and cramps were terrible. So when I came here I was very seriously ill. I just couldn’t go on any longer.


  • Fever, Hot Flushes & Co.

    Do you sweat a lot? Do you sweat too much?

    Is it a general weakness, which makes me sweat at first and then makes me feel cold? Am I overweight so that too much heat is retained and the temperature cannot be balanced as precisely and easily by the body? Do I have an infection and the body fights it with fever? Am I in menopause, which may cause a hormonal adjustment and change in my internal balance?

  • Misery Loves Company

                 When you become more aware of things around you, you know things automatically. Still one must be still. For example we may be aware of what you are thinking but if you do not tell us we do not have the right to intervene. We can say some things to give indication but we cannot say directly. It is like that both in thought and action at a certain stage.

          Then other things happen once you rise a little higher. People begin to tell you everything they are thinking, feeling. Then you have even greater responsibility to guide, to listen, to comfort, to heal. BUT NOT INTERFERE.
