Deva Herb Workshop at Bhrugu Aranya, Poland

Mother Earth created herbs as a natural medicine chest for all beings that inhabit this planet. In ancient times, man was led by instinct and knew exactly which herbs to use.

In modern times where contact with Nature has been lost, our natural inner wisdom and intuition has also been forgotten. Yet the healing plants continue to live in the pastures, forests and gardens. Let us recognize them again and learn to use the amazing bounty of Nature.
Our first Homa Herb Workshop was held at Bhrugu Aranya Homa Farm this July. The workshop was led by Asia, my wife, and myself, in our recently-built straw bale house in our community. For ten years we have been growing Homa Herbs and gaining practical experience in their medicinal uses.

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There may be people with whom you normally have conflict. You can express what you feel with LOVE without expectation of response, positive or negative. Still do not block the love even with such people. They also have need for it. This is the greatest of teachings. LOVE. If you have conflict with someone, love them. You need not decide to work with them. But refrain from all judgment.

Anger, frustration, depression, anxiety – all these mood changes interfere with the work of the Divine. How can you receive Divine Grace if you are angry at some event in your life? Anger is like a block. It blocks all the light.
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