Homa Therapy International

Month: October 2008

  • My Observations with Homa Therapy

    Rob Bagnall, Chiang Mai, Thailand writes:
    After 3 months Homa Therapy, I observe:
    The snails and fish are really coming back to life here next to the house. I walked outside in the back of the house this morning and looked in the water and there were snails everywhere. Fish are back and the chickens from next door now prefer to come into my yard as apparently the earth worms are in greater quantity. (more…)

  • Agnihotra at Unicorn Natural Voice & Dance Camp, Wendland, Germany

    Here, you see the Agnihotra Tipi at our Unicorn Natural Voice & Dance Camp this year in July (Wendland, North Germany). We were about 140 adults and 60 kids at the camp , singing and dancing every day. Agnihotra provided a harmonious atmosphere for all these things to happen.

  • Agnihotra Demonstration at the Demeter Biodynamic Farm, Tangsehl, Germany

    Raaja Fischer from Wendland, Germany writes:
    Agnihotra during a lecture we gave about Homa Therapy at the Demeter farm of Tangsehl in our area. About 50 people attended and there was much interest. Some of the people belong to our Agnihotra group now.

  • Abhay Mutalik Desai – Climate Engineering in Karnataka, India

    Dr O.P. Rupela, Chief Scientist (retired), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, visited the farm recently and reported:
    “The crop production system in this Homa farm reflects a complete balance, which can only be achieved when Nature is in perfect balance and harmony. The farm is a good place of education and research for agricultural scientists…” (more…)

  • Once the Goal of Liberation in This Very Life is Decided

                 Once the goal of liberation in this very life is decided, let us not be attracted to trivia and get caught up in its snares. Conscious and continuous attempt is required to train the mind to become non attached and full of total LOVE.

              Supposing you are going through a huge shopping mall. Thousands shopping varieties try to attract your mind. There are clothes, music, sex shops, flowers, people admiring you for your worldly achievements, soap bubbles, balloons. The room where you can learn to train the mind to become unattached and be full of love is on the top floor. So go straight to the top floor saying that you only want to reach your goal. If your determination is firm then the Grace of Sadguru comes to your help.

             Purification of oneself is a great project. It requires all attention, constant practice. Whenever you notice improvement in you, make sure not to be proud of it. Try to become a more fitting receptor to receive the Grace bestowed on you. Actually you should become more humble because of GRACE being showered on you. You have now to learn how more efficiently to become an instrument to serve your neighborhood.
