Satsang Volumen 45 # 2

Purificación del Agua con Agnihotra

Experimentos científicos también muestran que el Agnihotra y la Ceniza de Agnihotra purifican el agua. Se nos recomienda agregar Ceniza de Agnihotra al agua que bebemos y muchos de nosotros lo estamos haciendo regularmente.

¿Por qué se recomienda esto? La razón es que la Ceniza de Agnihotra elimina la bacteria patógena del agua. Esto ha sido analizado varias veces. Un sorprendente experimento fue realizado por el Dr. John Matlander, de Cuenca, Ecuador.
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Satsang Volume 45 No 3

Ancient Oaks Children’s Program 2017–Another Success!

Patricia (Patty) Norton and Maria Broom

It was one of Shree Vasant’s greatest dreams to bring children from the heart of Baltimore city out to our Homa farm where they could experience green open spaces and a healing atmosphere saturated with Homa fires. With a generous grant from the Krieger Fund, the Baltimore Homa Community was able to offer a second year of their Children’s Summer Farm Program at Ancient Oaks Homa Farm in Westminster, Maryland. Eight groups–over 300 children–came to enjoy a half-day of hiking, drumming, dancing, yoga, sound healing, storytelling, tasty vegetarian lunches and quiet meditation with Homa fire, not to mention lots and lots of free time to just run and play without fear of traffic, violence or bullets. With wonderful, flexible facilitators and plenty of Shree’s grace we were able to do all of this and it is extremely humbling. Continue reading “Satsang Volume 45 No 3”

Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture – Crop Yield

       In the previous blog we summarized four M.Sc. theses from Dharwad University, Karnataka, India, which give ample evidence that with Homa Organic Farming a healthy micro-flora and micro-fauna in soil is created, thus rejuvenating the soil. This is of utmost importance as nowadays conventional farming which uses a wide range of agrochemicals is destroying this micro-flora and micro-fauna, thus leaving behind a soil which is more and more exhausted, no longer a rich living soil. Continue reading “Scientific Aspects of Agnihotra: Agriculture – Crop Yield”

Where is the Question of NOT Feeling Joy?

Practice this today.
Where is the question of NOT feeling joy?
Do Mantra. Let only HIS words come from your lips. Wait before speaking as if you had a filter between your thoughts and your speech. That filter screens your thoughts and only allows those of Purity and Light to come through. You come to know that you are the thought, the word and the filter. This is how you learn control of speech. Continue reading “Where is the Question of NOT Feeling Joy?”

Agnihotra in Delhi

Before leaving Mother India, we spent a few days in New Delhi with Mother Saroj Malik and her daughter, Akanksha, who was our wonderful hostess. Both organized meetings and presentations for Homa Therapy.
Mrs. Umang, neighbor of Akanksha and now Agnihotra practitioner, also took initiatives to inform people about Homa Therapy in their home and workplace. Continue reading “Agnihotra in Delhi”

Satsang Volumen 45 # 1

El Agnihotra Ayuda a Niños con VIH/SIDA

¡Estamos contentísimos con esta noticia! El Agnihotra está ayudando a los niños con SIDA.
El Agnihotra es un método de fuego Védico que no solamente sana la atmósfera y nuestro medio ambiente, sino que también tiene efectos muy beneficiosos en la salud humana.

El Dr. Ulrich Berk, presidente de la Asociación Alemana de Terapia Homa, presentó el Agnihotra en el centro Amma Mane de Ananta Bharatha, una organización sin fines de lucro en Mysore (Sur de India) la cual está ayudando a niños con VIH positivo, la mayoría de los cuales son huérfanos.

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Agnihotra Goes to Sewadham Ashram, Ujjain, MP, India

            We had the honor of meeting Mr. Sudhir Bhai Goyal, through Sarvajit Paranjpe, during the Somayag in early February 2017 at the Maheshwar Goshala. He invited us to visit his Ashram in Ujjain and teach Agnihotra and the Homa Therapy Fires. The time had come to follow the call of this humble man.
      Guided by Mrs. Vidya Didwania we arrived at the Sewadham Ashram.

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