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Celebration of World Agnihotra Day at ‘Expert Engineering Enterprises,’ Belgaum, Karnataka, India
World Agnihotra Day was celebrated on March 12th, 2014 in various locations in India.
Vinayak Lokur writes from Belgaum city, Karnataka.
The World Agnihotra day was celebrated by conducting an awareness programme for the benefit of the citizens.
Mr. Abhay Mutalik Desai enlightened the gathering with the procedure and effects of Agnihotra. In his speech he emphasized the importance of Agnihotra in daily life and appealed to the gathering to practice, experience and spread the word to many, as it is the need of the time if we want to overcome the ill effects of environmental degradation.
He said “The smoke emitted from these six items is excellent, like those from all other YAJNYAS and YAGAS. And this is also proven that places where Agnihotra is performed on a regular basis those places are free from any diseases. The life of human friendly, plant friendly, bacteria and microbes are encouraged and those creatures which are not beneficial are either destroyed or are made to run away to a far off place. Due to emission of positive energy the nature becomes clean and clear.”
40+ people performing Agnihotra assembled and the Agnihotra was performed in a group at Sunset. The inmates of Shantai Vriddhashram and Aadhar Orphanage were also present and participated in the Agnihotra.
The performers also shared their experiences.
Mr. Lele, Satish Niilajkar, Mahesh Durdi, Tejasvi Naik, Venkatesh Patil, Amit Soundalgekar, Dr. Udchankar, Shrikant Shanbhag, Vijay More, many other citizens and farmers participated in the programme.
Mr. Kallapa Tarale – a devotee of Iskon Temple enlightened the gathering about the “Holy Cow” and its significance in Hindu life.
Information was also shared about the Homa Organic Products and its importance.
Earlier an awareness session was also conducted for the students and staff of KLE’s Kankanwadi Ayurvedic Collage. Dr. Pramod Basarkar shared the healing experiences around the globe and later Mr. Abhay Mutalik Desai cited the benefits experienced by him in his farm and the significance of Homa Therapy in Ayurveda.
Shri Santosh Mamadapur, Anil Islampure, Maruti Gurav and Anand Majukar coordinated the events.

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