Homa Therapy International

Category: Bhrugu Aranya Newsletter

  • Bhrugu Aranya Newsletter – January 2018

    Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya

    January 2018

               U P D A T E S   ●   N E W S   ●   E V E N T S   ●   A R T I C L E S

    Dear friends,
    Now is a crucial time in our lives and in the life of our planet, for all of us to really focus on our highest purpose. It is easy to get swept up into the times, the chaos, turmoil, stage of constant dramas whirling around us. But, each of us has a higher purpose to fulfill in this life, this precious life. There has never been a greater time than now to manifest yourself, your work. Focus needs to be clear and undivided. 

  • Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya Newsletter

    “The Centre of Light is not just another yoga centre or ecology centre or esoteric centre. This is for the generation and regeneration of energies for the healing and protection of the continent of Europe. It is for the energetic healing of the planet. Centre of Light can be a turning point for many who wish to come, as transformation is a near certainty for most people who come and experience this rarified healing atmosphere.”
