Homa Therapy International

Category: Ukraine

  • Agnihotra in Ukraine

    We received following information and photos from Anton Kozlenko in Kiev:
    My name is Anton, I’m from Kiev, Ukraine. I have done Agnihotra for the first time in Maheshwar Homa Therapy Goshala in India. My teacher Maha Vlad brought me to India and I am very grateful to him. (more…)

  • Firing the Grid – Agnihotras around the World on September Equinox, 2013

    On September 21 & 22, 2013 Agnihotra practitioners from around the globe participated in a network of Agnihotra being performed on the September Equinox. The aim was to create a grid of Sacred Fires or ‘firing the grid’ and to ideally have two waves of Agnihotra fires moving around the planet (one for sunrise, one for sunset).
    We received many responses from people all over the world informing their coordinates. We were amazed to find every continent represented, and people from Alaska to Africa, from Europe to U.S.A., Australia to Russia, Japan to Hawaii. There were more than 450 Meridiens of Longitude represented with Agnihotra Fires in more than 50 countries. There may have been more that we were unaware of. (more…)

  • Homa Therapy in Ukraine

    The Whole World Centre in Kiev had invited me to teach Agnihotra and Homa Therapy. I had met several leading members of that centre during the Summer Camp of Whole World Organization on an island of the Volga River in July earlier this year.
