Homa Therapy International

Homa Health Newsletter Archive

Homa Health Newsletter has been published monthly by the team of Abel Hernandez and Aleta Macan from Piura, Peru since May 2006. Available in English and Español (Spanish).

#193 to #204 2022-2023
#181 to #192 2021-2022
#169 to #180 2020-2021
#157 to #168 2019-2020
#145 to #156 2018-2019
#133 to #144 2017-2018
#121 to #132 2016-2017
#109 to #120 2015-2016
#97 to #108 2014-2015
#85 to #96 2013-2014
#73 to #84 2012-2013
#61 to #72 2011-2012
#49 to #60 2010-2011
#37 to #48 2009-2010
#25 to #36 2008-2009
#13 to #24 2007-2008
#1 to #12 2006-2007