Dear all,
The following message was received from Shree Vasant during meditation, in response to a request I had received for guidance about the crises in the world. I felt it could apply to all of us so I am sharing it with you.
Be well, strong and focused. Remember Divine Love is omnipresent!
If anyone searches the internet, he can uncover many theories and even indications of future events, which may never happen. There is so much available now on Internet and none of these theories take into account the element of Grace, even the law of karma. Only sensational news will boost ratings. Beware and be aware of these claims.
What is my work in this life? Until my last breath, how can I serve? What work is in my hands to accomplish? We never know how many breaths remain. So, as long as there is breath in my body, let me use it in a constructive, positive, helpful manner.
If there is a piece, for example, of writing, which you wish to complete, concentrate on that. If there is a project close to your heart, that will help to restore faith in others, do that. If there are songs you wish to write; if there are books to manifest through you—do that. This is for all people. Whatever is in your hands to do, to write, to sing, to create, to plant, to harvest, the paint, to draw, to share — spend your time and energy on that.
If you are finding negative news too much to bear, stop listening to it. Stop watching and reading it with such regularity. Take a media break.
What are your greatest hopes for this life? Put them into prayers. Chant Mantras. There are a great many things which can be done with the time which is in your hands! Feed the faith and starve the fear!
We are with you, always.
All love and blessings.
OM |
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