Homa Therapy International

Child Raising

CHILD-RAISING in community can sometimes be a challenge, but more often than not, a real blessing. There is no shortage of babysitters eager to spend time with what I would say we all consider to be our greatest and most precious resource! Getting the support when needed is essential for the parents and giving the support as elders brings us closer, helping complete the circle. We learn from each other. We care and share, which is such a blessing.

Some of us are healers, some therapists, artists, writers, tortilla makers, jewelers, and teachers. Having a variety of skills is a great ideal to aim for. Those of us in the community with the knowledge of healing herbs and therapies are busy tending to the others when they need it. The medical know-how is a great benefit, especially with rising costs of medical bills and the ineffectiveness of a totally allopathic approach. Great to have alternative healing techniques at your fingertips. If, in your new community, you do not have these resources, it would be a good idea to find a good alternative resource, doctor or practitioner willing to come out to your farm if needed.

When deciding to start a Homa farm community, the first thing is not finding the property; it is finding the people who want to start it together. Even if it is only two in the beginning, those two should have some solid level of commitment and a shared vision to start with. If they are in sync and have a higher purpose, the likelihood of them manifesting their dream is high. Without the clear vision and commitment, it can be difficult. So as they say, good if both are on the ‘same page.’ If it is a group, the same thing applies–shared vision, goals for the place and common commitment to manifesting the concept into reality.

A general compatibility is also essential. Even if two people are on the same spiritual path, if they are not compatible, probably best not to try to create a Homa farm community together. Community living, while well-balanced and supportive, can also breed discontent if there is not some commonality. If you don’t get along before you form a community, you are not likely to get along, period! There are trials and tribulations to forming a community, in farm life, even in issues with the weather. I’d say, “Trust the one your with.” Trust is essential, because if you are fully committed to creating a community
together, you are going to need it.