Homa Therapy International

A Dangerous Spin on the Cancer Risks of a Sugar-Free Sweetener

A Dangerous Spin on the Cancer Risks of a Sugar-Free Sweetener

A Dangerous Spin on the Cancer Risks of a Sugar-Free Sweetener

CHICAGO, IL, January 6, 2010 –/WORLD-WIRE

The Cancer Prevention Coalition notes with alarm that on January 2nd this year, in a heavily advertised special health-theme issue of People Magazine, Kraft announced a new campaign on Crystal Light, a sugarless powdered drink mix which can easily be poured into tap and bottled water drinks. Crystal Light’s ingredients include the artificial sweetener aspartame, under the trademark names of NutraSweet and Equal, besides citric acid and sodium citrate. After saccharin, aspartame is the second most widely used artificial sweetener in the world. It is found in more than 6,000 products including carbonated and powdered soft drinks, hot chocolate, chewing gum, candy, desserts, yogurt, and tabletop sweeteners, as well as some pharmaceutical products like vitamins and sugar-free cough drops.
Cancer Prevention Coalition Chairman Dr. Samuel S. Epstein warns that, based on scientific evidence published in peer-reviewed journals and presented to the U.S. Congress, aspartame is both toxic and carcinogenic. The coalition is calling upon the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban all dietary uses of aspartame.
Samuel S. Epstein, MD.
Professor emeritus Environmental & Occupational Medicine.
University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health.
Chairman, Cancer Prevention Coalition, Chicago, Illinois 60612,
Tel: 312-996-2297
Email: epstein@uic.edu
Web: http://www.preventcancer.com